Saturday, February 9, 2013

Below and Beyond Offensive: Gotcha Day book review

Gotcha Day, the perverse label given by clueless adopters to the day they received their Bundle of Joy, is universally considered offensive by all but the most blindly entitled inhabitants of AdoptionLand..  Now there's a book by the same name:  Gotcha Day: a Celebration of Adoption. Some of us have been posting 1-star ratings of the book on  I just posted mine:

 This book is below and beyond offensive.  Gotcha is something you say when you catch a pesky mouse or stomp on a cockroach that been running across your kitchen floor for the past week..  It is not a term that should be used to "celebrate" adoption or the "gotten" adoptee. I understand why people would want to commemorate the day, but Gotcha is obscene. 

If I could give it less than one star, I would.

Full disclosure.  My adoptive parents used to commemorate the day I was placed with them.  It was known as Betsy Day (that's the name I went by most of my life--nothing wrong with the name, but it's not me, and I reverted to Marley, derived from my original name, Marlene).

Betsy Day was  low key-not  Gotcha!  I cannot imagine either of my parents (or my Mama Dot who later adopted 2 kids) using the creepy term or exhibiting Gotcha mentality.. Of course, I was adopted at a time when adoption wasn't considered an entitlement due the exburban set.   Since I was placed just before Christmas I got a sort of pre-Christmas gift or two which was nice.  When I got older, my mom never forgot, and I always got a check in the mail. At no time in my life did I feel like I'd been swooped up in a butterfly net,  scruntched in a mouse trap, or caught by the paparazzi. . I feel very sorry for today's Class Bastard, who not only are denied their identities and OBCs,  but  the simple recognition of their humanity.

Gotcha Day - Adoption Porn

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